Monday 1 July 2019


“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.”― Cicero

In life, there are so many unexpected changes that I find myself relentlessly re-evaluating myself. I’m a human chameleon devouring the understandings of the flashes of my existence. On this first of July, Canada’s birthday, I look out to the mountains from my yard after an early morning hike with my girl, some gardening and a writing exercise that perplexed me from the onset. The warm-up for this morning was of the very short story style, 19 words to be exact. I crafted 9 stories, and it was a great way to warm up for the editing work I have set aside for this month. You have little room for the superfluous with so few words which puts me in the right mindset with my red pen eagerly hovering over my manuscript. 

I met my deadline for the POV switch of my June story May Day but was way over my word limit! I write my stories from a female perspective so to get into the mindset of my male character was a huge but rewarding struggle. And, my beta readers loved it; a huge relief. Dialogue and POV are new to me as my academic writing background calls for neither so I welcome these new challenges. My day started bright and early with the sun. So, I think I will also take the afternoon to celebrate; lest I find myself in the same predicament as good ole Jack…  

Happy Canada Day!          

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