Thursday 27 June 2019

Stay kind. It makes you beautiful @najwazebian

It’s the little things in life that make memorable moments for me. It’s the thoughtful gestures of kindness that can change my day in an instant. The end-of-the-year always brings those opportunities to share appreciation, from the colourful sweets and savoury treats to handcrafted bath bombs, and lovely cards. The students that surround me for an end-of-year hug truly warm the heart. Each of these momentary snapshots of kind gestures from the surrounding students rekindles my spirit after a hard year. I think that is something I try to remember when crafting some of my characters. 

It’s easy to forget, but those little moments in real life do make the world a difference. So, just as paying attention to those details can breathe life into you, so too, do they bring to life to the characters we create in our narratives. That’s what makes a moment special, the nuances and appreciation. I think about that as I go through my own day and have thought about that each time I write a story. 

As I jump into summer with re-inspired energy to write. I’ve been working on my villain from YBGTL, the contemporary thriller, and the warped love story I mentioned in my last post. I am often blinded from the negative aspects wanting to only see the good, or rather focus on the positive traits in people so it’s a task for me to draw out the nefarious elements in people I have encountered in life. I think it’s why it was such a surprise twist to my readers of YBGTL. But, I have a weekend deadline to meet. So I will have to explore that thought another time. I have my work cut out for me :)

On that note, I guess I should get back to working on my June assignment and get it in before the month is up. I have a handful of anxious beta readers and critique partners that proofed the first part eagerly waiting to read the flip side of my story, my male voice... 

Happy summer!

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