Friday 9 August 2019

Not My Father's Daughter

This has been the summer of tests... I don’t think I have ever gone through a time when I was so poked and prodded but at least one test was a diverting one. Since a young age, I’ve identified with my father more deeply than with my mother. I was always told that I was my father’s daughter but as science confirmed this past week, that isn’t the case. In light of this revelation, it is fascinating for me to think about the old nature vs nurture debate and just how much those that surround us influence who we become. However, it’s been a tumultuous couple of days with Mino recovering from her surgery. Rather than dive deeper into heavy topics, I think I’ll just stick with soup and stitches for the rest of the evening. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we won’t need to return to the vet tomorrow...

As we sail through the remainder of summer, the cooler nights are a haunting reminder of how quickly things change. I start work next week and I want to savour the final summer moments. Blueberry season is coming to a close and with a subtle suggestion from the lighter side of life, I thought I’d get creative once again. A few soup ideas inspired me for this one. The first little nudge led me to blåbärssoppa, which frankly is just fun to say. Another inspiring nudge guiding me was the abundance of blackberries lining my driveway. The finale feels like an adult version of PB&J which is more than okay for today.