Saturday 3 August 2019

Cephalopodan Triad

I am often asked what inspires my writing or how I sit down to write my stories. My process is very much spur of the moment (I wrote more than half my novel on my phone). But sometimes I’ve felt blocked and there are a few exercises that help to get the ideas flowing. Of the different tricks I use when the inspiration evades me, emulation is the easiest when I am feeling lost. Although someone dear to me once told me I added poetry to their life, I am not confident writing poetry. This same person had introduced me to a few poets that I have fallen in love with over the years and so I have integrated writing poetry into one of my writing exercises. Simply, chose a poem and readapt it to reflect your own ideas…

Emulation of  Pablo Neruda’s, Love Sonnet XI
By Marie-France Boissonneault, 2018

I haven’t been well for most of July and so I have put a few of my writing projects on the back burner. But, while away I had several ideas germinating. The opportunity to explore new areas and old favourites was like tilling fertile soil and I have been wanting to plant these ideas and get them growing before my very first in-person writing group next week. So today I think I will indulge in a little fantasy and immerse myself in emulation to get the old fingers dancing across the keyboard again...