Friday 21 June 2019

You've Been Gone Too Long

Rodeo Beach

There is something about waking up in a new place that gets the ideas flowing like nothing else for me! Walking the streets of my stories gives a new insight into the consciousness of the characters I can only get from experiencing the world through their eyes. I won’t get away too often this summer and somehow just south of my island home doesn’t feel like a true escape. I have written a few stories set under the California sun. The painted ladies of the Mission District and the beach-side ocean breeze are like a marriage between the culture I miss from growing up in the east and the west coast island life I now lead. It’s all too familiar to feel like I am not already home.

Love on Haight
I have a few projects I want to redevelop over the summer, and one is my first true fiction short story I wrote this past April; which I suppose would fall under the genre of a romantic thriller. My writing group suggested that I make my story about three sisters (YBGTL) into a novel, and there is a lot of room to expand the narrative. In that regard, it’s nice to revisit the spaces where I set some of my scenes to get the ideas flowing. But, we’ll see. Embodiment enhances my process, and to put myself in the shoes of my character and meander through the sultry streets while taking in the sights, sounds and smells can sometimes translate into words more fluidly than when I only rely on my imagination… 

Another long-awaited project is the humane education creative non-fiction adventure series I started a few years ago. The umwelten of other species is a whole other level of embodiment I have been aching to dive back into. But, there are a few “people” stories I would like to polish up first, and then I’ll see where my inspiration takes me.  

So, on that note, off I go to wander.
Language of Birds

Sunday 16 June 2019

Fifty Shades of my Imagination

I knew I was close, and today marks the day I have submitted 50 stories for review (and one book proposal). It feels a little surreal when I think of it. I started this journey on February 12 of this year when I surrendered a personal piece for a huge Literary Contest (it is still being reviewed and I have yet to hear any news). Once I had made myself vulnerable, I decided that I would continue to work on writing new pieces for submission. As the saying goes; it takes a hundred attempts before a win. So, if they reject all the above stories; I’m halfway there!

My writing group has been a great support in keeping me on my toes. I work well under a looming deadline. It’s a very informal group, but they have pushed me and enjoyed what I have shared with them along the way. When I have doubted myself it’s been those stories that have spoken to them. Today I should write my POV switch "assignment"
for the group but it’s been hard. I’ve been rolling ideas around in my head for two weeks now and I am still struggling, which is great. I suggested the POV switch since I hate it 😁 I am always interested in growth and we get nowhere without challenging ourselves.

Speaking of growth… While I wait for responses from the journals I have submitted my work to, my garden is producing much better returns, for now… So here’s to too many leafy greens! Bottoms up!

Monday 29 April 2019

I did it!

I promised myself that I would work at sharing my stories in 2019 and it’s been an ideal learning experience. Although I have published academic books and in peer-reviewed journals, fiction and creative nonfiction are different beasts. Writing has always been a big part of my life; I kept a diary from a young age, loved writing to pen pals around the world and as a teenager, wrote way too many notes... Joking aside though, I loved writing letters and when the internet came to be; I switched to emails. When I returned to school to start university in my late twenties, I took only courses that had papers over exams. And, although people tell me I’m an extrovert I never took a class with presentations; the spotlight was never my comfort zone. I blazed through my degrees from BA to PhD in less than six years. I have always had an insatiable thirst for learning. When I started my Post Doc just before they awarded me my PhD it thrilled me to be able to continue my creative exploration through the lens of research. The last few years have put a real kink in my life, everything was at a standstill or declining but it seems like my health is in check. Now I just have to work on getting back to my pre-2016 self.

One step toward building me up was to write again. I had worked on a humane education creative non-fiction series before 2016 but I was having trouble re-engaging with the project for several reasons. So, when my mother told me about a free online summer writing course; I thought that would be the perfect way for me to jump back in. The course was a small cohort of writers that were assigned to craft a story from prompts which consisted of three images and to focus on one of our senses. It sounded like the best fit for me. In my teaching, I have used similar exercises of rewriting fairy tales through the themes of the class in question. In the summer writing course, it was fascinating to see the way the weekly prompts elicited so many stories, the viewpoints and imaginative integration of the images were so different. My animal stories just didn’t seem right for this environment but I decided I had to do it. I was apprehensive to share my voice as I had never written “people” stories so I would have to write a new genre. If something makes me nervous, I gravitate toward the challenge. So, I decided I would write under a pen name to solve my dilemma. This gave me such freedom to express myself and explore themes and stories I wouldn’t have shared without the pseudonym. I also was new to this genre, so I felt shy about my abilities. That said, every week each story I shared was well-received. But the feedback and the opportunity to share with other writers was paramount.

The brief six weeks taught me so much that I took the NaNoWriMo challenge. Working seven days a week and wanting to write a proper novel, made my task even more difficult. I had tried NaNoWriMo twice before but this time I completed it with the silent support of my writing group. The Selecky class had also given me a wonderful community of fellow writers that have continued the writing prompts and sharing our work for almost a year now. Just knowing that a few of the writing group writers were also doing the NaNoWriMo challenge made me feel supported, even if we weren’t sharing our work.

When the Selecky class began a second time at a hectic time falling into the Christmas break, I decided I would write both under my pseudonym and my real name. Under my real name, I shared my animal stories, albeit I was the only one writing in that genre. It was also so difficult to integrate the visual prompts as they were all human centred. The senses, however, were a whole different story. It was a way to choose animals whose primary sense was in line with the weekly selection. If the weekly sense was sight; I chose a nonhuman being whose primary sense was visual. This was a delightful way to get to research new animals. It was a smaller group in the winter session and the other writers also enjoyed my animal stories. It was a real test to wear both hats, but I wanted an unbiased response to my people stories; hence, the pseudonym. The class also spurred a chapter for my novel I had no idea how to write. Sometimes, the right prompt is the key to unlocking the door to your story.

After I finished the second Selecky course, I decided I needed to broaden my circle of where I was sharing my stories. This would be a little harder. I was very fortunate that I never got a rejection in my academic writing. I knew I had to prepare myself for rejection because I was and am sure there will be several. Writing has always been therapeutic for me so I wanted to be careful not to create a negative association with the process. My birthday is in February and I decided I would submit a deeply personal piece to a Country-Wide Creative Non-Fiction contest. I don’t expect to win, it’s a popular contest, and the call goes far and wide. But, I needed to break the ice somewhere, so I submitted my piece. That same weekend I submitted six other stories. I was aiming for “an even ten” but for those that know me, “an odd seven” stories in two days is even better.

Then today, I submitted my first book proposal. The problem with submitting is the time you have to wait for your rejection! The book proposal was a learning process that got me to think about my novel beyond just its story which was a valuable exercise. So, while I have been absent from my blog; I am writing. The influx of inspiration has invigorated me and reignited my passion. I have been fortunate to have a group of select ever-indulgent IRL readers with whom I have shared my work and that feels excruciatingly personal. But, I am doing it and I am ever grateful for the ideas they provide by giving me insight on how they absorb my stories. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that I can one day share my voice with a larger audience. But, either way, that won’t stop me, my imagination or my stories.  

Thursday 14 February 2019

My Sweet Valentine...

2002-February 1, 2019

I felt I could breathe again when Argus’ ashes were delivered home this afternoon. It was as though I had been holding my breath since he’d died two weeks ago. A friend asked how I had been doing and it’s hard to say. With Argus, the process of saying goodbye drew out for months. I’d been on an emotional rollercoaster of thinking I’d lose him and then he would somewhat recover in the ninth hour. But never fully. He still continued to waste away. It remained a mystery after all the tests, and we only guessed at a diagnosis.

Argus differed from Pig in his final days. Pig wasn’t able to walk and refused to eat in the last few living days but Argus had a voracious appetite and would walk in confused mechanic laps around the living room before he’d collapse. After his first stroke, he suffered from paralysis in one arm. It remained bent at an odd and unnatural angle. I tried to bind it to minimise the friction when walking. Each stroke was different. The first, he walked awkwardly with the paralysis. He sought refuge in my sweatshirt; the only time he let me hold him. These are moments laced with sadness for me but they are times I will cherish as I knew he felt comforted in my arms. It took about a month for him to walk again and I slept in anxious spurts checking in on him throughout the night, hoping to find him standing without the paralysis. My heart sank each time I’d discover that the paralysis had returned. 

One of the hardest parts was and still is, not knowing what caused all his infirmities. Even though he ate well, nothing seemed to keep him hydrated or maintain his weight. He had the appetite of two healthy cats but I have no clue where it went. He never regurgitated, and he wasn‘t regular. Days would sometimes pass before his bowels did their job, and I would be gleeful at the sight that his body seemed to be functioning. But, he remained a skin-draped skeleton. Seeing him become emaciated both frustrated me and was heartrending. As a researcher, I like to find answers and with his slow, painful decline, nothing came to light. We tried many approaches to no avail. Although the last two months broke my heart each day, we had our routine. His morning meds and bath, if he needed it, then his breakfast and a little time to snuggle before I’d rush to work.  I’d come home at lunch and repeat the routine and then again after work. Evenings were the nicest; I’d give him his bath and then set him up in front of the fireplace. It seemed to be the best thing to calm him from the confused pacing. He used to howl the odd time he needed a bath. In the last few months of his life, he seemed to enjoy it. He had stopped grooming himself so the warmth of the water as I caressed his little frail body soothed him.

As far as I can remember, Argus had always been an unsettled wanderer. The only time I recall him in a peaceful state is when we lived at the lake or when he was outside with the deer. I’d often walk down and watch him in the distance sitting by the shore and gazing out into the water. When I moved to a little island on the coast, he’d sit by the ocean or snuggle up to the deer. He was an outdoor enthusiast! That all changed when Pig died. It’s hard to say, but I think the loss of Pig affected his feeling of stability. He no longer ventured outdoors after his death. Now, I like to think they are together. That Argus is free to roam again…  


Friday 30 November 2018

It started with an ending…

The NaNoWriMo challenge has been one that I have attempted in previous years but, as the saying goes, life always seemed to get in the way. It was about two years ago when it seemed that I began to be enveloped in a cloud of sorrow from loss beyond my control. It felt like the loss that surrounded me was growing exponentially and as it was snowballing out of control it had absorbed me along the way. Not only was I dealing with my own health issues in those short two years; I lost family members close to my heart, a friend way before his time, my long-time companion and a child. I have always been a private person, the one people come to seek counsel, never the one to ask for help herself. My writing has been the one thing that has given me solace in times of anguish or solitude but my writing was also deeply personal. That changed this summer. When prompted by my mother, I started following an online course. It was a whole new way of writing for me and what I was producing was completely different from my previous academic scripts or the animal stories I had written for the past five or so years. In all honesty, the animal stories had become difficult to write. I’d felt I’d lost my voice. I was so disheartened that had no story left to tell. I wasn't ready to share my writing during the summer so I simply participated in the shadows. I would follow the prompts and meet the deadlines but I kept my stories to myself.

But, once the course ended, I felt as though I had been left stranded and grasped at the first opportunity to continue inspiring my writing. I joined a writing group and they have been my lifeline. I shared my stories, personal as they were, I let myself be vulnerable and I am thankful. This year, when November came around, I was determined. Things seemed to be moving in a more positive direction and I was eager to attempt the challenge. It’s not an easy undertaking with two jobs and other family responsibilities but I wanted to at least try. There were a couple of members from my writing group that said they’d sign on and while we have not spoken for the entire month, just knowing they were going to be doing the challenge as well was a great support. Before the month started I wondered if I would pick up my animal stories again, or the three-part novel that I started in 2015. I didn't feel inspired to re-engage in that work, and writing has always been a way that I work through issues, resolve my feelings and heal. I had other stories I needed to tell.

In September, I wrote an 800+ stand-alone piece about a deeply tragic personal experience and submitted it to my writing group. I felt pretty exposed as soon I hit send but at the same time writing the story had taken a huge weight off my chest. I could breathe a bit better and I simply waited on tenterhooks for feedback. Through writing my story I could give myself the distance I needed to heal and by sharing it I was able to truly re-experience the tragic event through comforting eyes. I had never intended on it being more than that short piece of writing. I knew I had more to say and a few people in my writing group thought the piece would make a great beginning for a book. I had written it as an ending. But, to think of it as a beginning gave me perspective. Even if I took a little time to accept the idea, it became the jumping off point and when November came around that is where I started my novel.

My first day I wrote about thirty words and then the next day cut about 300. I am somewhat of a linear thinker and I needed an ending now that I had made my ending my beginning! It took a few days before I finally got it but I was going backwards in my word count and now I had to fill in the whole middle of this attempt at a novel! It wasn’t until the eighth day when I had a breakthrough. I had a solid streak of over 7000 words and I felt energized by it. On the 16th day, I was just over twenty-five thousand words but I hit a wall. And, for three days I struggled with a hand full of words one day and a couple hundred on the following days. I had had some momentum going but the whole process has been in spurts. Some days just flowed and others it’s been painful to get my perfect sentence out and I would simply agonise over the same 75 words… I am not one to just write to write. The story had to go somewhere and each part that I added had to have a reason and connection to the whole to be included. This perfectionist attempt surely slowed my process but beyond wanting to simply finish the challenge I wanted something real. Not just a mess of words that simply tallied the magic wordcount. It took about five days before I got my momentum back and by the 22nd I was well over thirty thousand words. It was going to happen I thought; I am actually going to finish the fifty thousand words in a month. And, I did. In thirty days, I've written over 51000 words (half of which were written in stolen moments on a little old phone). I feel a little drained by the process of the tight deadline but the experience challenged me in many creative ways and I don’t want to stop. So, today, on the heels of the fifty thousand, I am eager to start a six-week fast-paced deadline course; and this time I think I will share. I have the idea of picking up again with my animal stories but I am flexible to whatever I am inspired to write. I am also really looking forward to my break when I can edit my novel in its entirety and pass it along to my beta readers. And from there, I guess I’ll just have to wait and see…  

Saturday 30 June 2018

Resplendent Reunion

Ending June with a splash of resplendent colour from the deep, smooth and slow sounds of the feathered suitor's serenade at Love Wins.

Sunday 27 May 2018

The End... ~The Doors

The finish line is in sight of my month-long challenge ♥️ I spent the afternoon enjoying what is becoming my Sunday routine along the seawall.

I have added the last update to my fundraiser and I'll be back at the end of June starting up my animal alphabet with the letter Q in Love Wins ♥️

Tuesday 8 May 2018

May Challenge

Week One ✅

While Mino enjoys just laying in the sun I think she's loving the extra runs and having fun ☺️ Just a little under half my goal! Thanks for the support so far ♥️😊

If you'd like to donate and help me to reach my goal, click here 😊

Week Two ✅

The fundraising site doesn't have the option to upload photos but I have been using a fun little app that has within in it group challenges and races that you can sign up for every week. Living on an island I am a little removed from the social aspect of those types of group challenges so it is nice to have an online network supporting you and cheering you on. 

I was really sick from Thursday until today (the first day without a fever), so I focussed more on strength training and yoga in the latter part of this past week. I am hoping to start up the running again tomorrow! Here are a few of the screenshots from my runs with Mino 😊.

Week Three ✅ 

The trouble with working with kids is that I'm constantly catching the new, cold of the week! I'm almost fully recovered and ended the week strong with an aerobic step interval class. I like to think I can dance but these group style classes remind me of my trouble following the leader. Maybe it's actually more reflective of my free soul. Nonetheless, a community mom was offering a free class and so here I am about to step to the beat for the end of this workout week!

Now to put my phone down and get ready to sweat.
Wish me luck!
Or, better yet, CLICK HERE and donate and support the cause 😊

Final Week ✅

It's hard to believe that it's not even summer yet and already I'm preparing for winter... I started teaching this past week and so I'm reminded that I should embrace the ant over the grasshopper qualities... Not to mention that part of that seasonal prep is a great workout (stacking wood).

 This final week also coincides with BC's bike to work week. So, guess what I'll be adding to my daily routine! That's right; I've dusted off my skinny wheels so I can join in with our school spirit as we also unveil a road safety campaign for the event. The banana slugs here are quite abundant and to add to the Slug Crosswalk by our school the student and staff body was asked to draw a self-portrait that will be illustrated within a giant slug speed sign! I can't wait to see the unveiling tomorrow since, in addition to my own self-portrait, I also got to outline every students' work of art for the project (that's over 300 images!).  I will update with a picture after the unveiling. 

As we wind down to the final week of the Workout to Conquer Cancer I'm am sadly reminded of why I took on this challenge this morning when I learned of a childhood friend's passing after a battle with lymphoma. It's hard to absorb the reality of the loss, especially in the past couple of years when I have watched more than one loved one lose their own battles with cancer. And, while it feels overwhelming at times, I'm ever so grateful that I have the chance to try and make a positive change through my own actions like raising money for a cause to hopefully lead us toward a cure. 

Thank you to all my supporters so far!
CLICK HERE and donate and support the cause 😊

Sunday 29 April 2018

“Pain or love or danger makes you real again....” 
~Jack Kerouac, The Dharma Bums (p.96)

North Star Recycling
Homer Street

In a couple of days, I start a month-long fundraising challenge to raise money for the BC cancer foundation. I was inspired to sign up by the recent passing of a friend. The last time I was in Vancouver exploring street art was the day I saw him before he died. I have a real thirst for urban art and he and I would chat about different murals in the city. 

I was lucky to have a partner in crime while in Florida since these art hunts are often coupled with wandering down streets and alleys that are in some cases iffy, to say the least. Today I was alone making the journey between two murals that have been on my list for a while. I finally got to see them and found a whole bunch more in between as I jogged with purpose on each sketchy detour. 

While the distance covered was not really that far it was a nice way to kick off my challenge and it certainly got my heart racing in more ways than one... 

Saturday 31 March 2018

“It all ends in tears anyway.” ― Jack Kerouac, The Dharma Bums

I spent my spring break in Florida this year and so there was no better beautiful beast to represent March's Love Wins species, in my mind, than the iconic Florida Panther (Felis concolor coryi).

Mural by: Arlin located in St Peterburg, Florida
Photographed by: Beastly Virtues

Sunday 4 March 2018

Heavy Heart

In Loving Memory of Kim
March 4, 2018

I rarely journey over to the mainland other than for necessity but I had promised him I’d make the trek into the city under the guise of other plans. I wanted to do something special for my birthday and I’d sensed he was craving company. I thought it may bring a smile to his face as it had been a while since we’d seen each other. We’d met about four years ago when he started chatting me up on a bus I told his father and we laughed as the three of us sat in his room together. We had plans to meet in the afternoon as I was going to walk around and see a few murals in the area before stopping in. I’d had the vet coming to check in on Argus and Mino that Friday and so I jumped on the first ferry across thinking I’d have time to do a bunch of things before I went to visit Kim. It’s about an hour and a half commute to the BC Cancer Agency and I was quite early. I walked for about a block but all I could think of was going to spend time with him. I was looking forward to reminiscing and seeing how he was doing. I looked at a handful of murals as I made my way to the hospital. I had sent a text asking if it may be okay if I came earlier but had not gotten a response so I just continued to walk in his direction. When I got to the hospital I gathered my composure and prepared myself for what I thought may be a shock to my expectations. He’d recently shared a picture of his hair loss from the treatments. I got to his floor and asked the nurse’s station for the direction to his room and she said I’d just missed him. He’d gone out on a pass to the grocery store with his father and I could maybe catch him along the way. I don’t know how we never crossed paths, or perhaps, it was simply that I may not have recognised him passing as I was lost in my focus to simply get there… I continued to walk to the grocery store and took a deep breath when my eyes caught him in the tea aisle with his father. His back was facing me and I had no idea that he had become so frail that he was not able to make the short walk from the hospital to the store. He’d simply told me we could go for a walk but that he was slow. I took a deep breath and walked down the aisle toward him. It warmed my heart to see his surprise and his smile when I came in to view. I leaned down and gave him a hug as he introduced me to his father. The three of us did his errands and then walked back to the hospital. I sat for the afternoon laughing with them and enjoyed the warmth of both their charms. I could see where he’d gotten his charisma and sense of humour. It was a perfect but heart-wrenching afternoon. While the mood was light and hopeful there was the underlying unspoken vulnerability of the reality that seemed all too close. Throughout his whole battle with cancer, he’d maintained true elegance and courage. I think, so much so, that I was not prepared for who I first saw sitting in that chair that day. When I’d noticed that he was getting tired I gathered my things to go. While his personality radiated a shield of strength, when he got up from his bed to hug me, I could feel his vulnerable frailty. I had planned to come back again soon but my intuition was that this was goodbye. With a last warm smile, I left the room, the hospital, and walked absorbed about the commute to get home. I could feel the tears well up, as they are while I write this, and I was determined to maintain my composure. I tried to distract myself along the commute home. We texted back and forth along my ride home but it was getting late and so I wished him goodnight once I had gotten to my ferry. The two-hour trip home felt like four. As I opened the door to my house it struck me and released me at the same moment. Tears gushed from my eyes beyond my control. I thought I may have had more time but it really was goodbye… I had thought I’d go see him again yesterday after my race. It had been two weeks and he’d said that he was feeling better after a rough past week. Then on Friday night, his mother said he’d been diagnosed as terminal and placed in hospice that past Tuesday. While I wanted to simply rush and visit I felt that it was a time for his family. And, this morning I learned that he’d passed away at 4:45 am. Sadly, he fell days shy of his 38th birthday. So young and resilient just a year before it’s hard to fathom but throughout his battle with cancer he was an inspiring force of strength and grace. I will hold close to my heart those final moments we had together and carry with me the memories of this genuinely kind soul. Peace be with you…

This coming May I have signed up to get moving and raise money for the BC Cancer Foundation. Please consider supporting my journey by donating.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Testing the waters...

It's been a while since I have written anything. After losing my shadow, my beloved companion Pig, who'd been by my side the past 17years, I lost my verve. There were a succession of painful events prior to, and thereafter, that overwhelmed me this past year and so it's been difficult to write anything than other than the daily necessities of interactions. I am a deeply private person, so writing for me has always been a calming and healing process that helps guide me through any hardships; consequently, the abstinence of that routine meant relying on other distractions to quell the pain of facing reality. However, at some point, there is always a trigger that sparks my imagination, inspires me. It’s usually a chain of various events over time that culminates in giving me that nudge to go on. And so with that, I thought I’d embark on an exercise to begin again and give you the next letter in the Love Wins series… O

Saturday 30 September 2017

Ode to my feline companion

The summer came and went in the blink of an eye beneath the thick cloud of smoke from the wildfires. I flew home for a brief escape during my two weeks off and only seemed to finally catch my breath the day before I had to return to the coast. It had been a difficult beginning to my return to work after the summer. It now feels like that time was years ago and equally only hours ago at the same time. I blink into the past and reopen my eyes to the current reality I find myself in. Moving forward as best as I can. It is hard to do justice to my longtime companion. I never imagined I would lose him so quickly. It all came as a shock and happened so quickly that I seem to only truly be processing what it feels like with him gone a few weeks later. 

As we entered into autumn the memory of my three bums on the deck attentively watching something that I was blind to me resurfaces without my effort. I often reminisce about simpler times and look to the past for comfort. 

However, when I truly think of the past it was filled with its own obstacles and although difficult in the moment, it now seems like an easier time since I have overcome those past challenges. Seventeen years of a life with a companion who was always by my side. One who was completely attuned to my needs and had a keen sense of when I truly needed that comforting. I think of those "easier" times being under the cottage lying in the dirt with the house less than a foot from my body as I worked on insulating the place for the winter. I look back with a smile as I remember my fear of being crushed by the house held up with rotting posts and the dangling spiders centimetres from my face. And, there he sat, right next to me while I worked so that I would not be alone.

Argus my wanderer often follows me and Mino on walks but I remember the time I broke my foot and this was the only time Pig followed alongside during our walk. It's almost as though he was making sure I was okay, much like his silent presence with me while I insulated our home. I'm comforted in knowing that I was there for him in his final moments. My arms around him, as he took his last breaths and my warm loving gaze, was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes years ago and the last thing he saw as he left his body.


Sunday 30 April 2017

Friday 31 March 2017

I am impelled, not to squeak like a grateful and apologetic mouse, but to roar like a lion...~Steinbeck

A little bit of a different twist on the theme of Love Wins this March with M is for mouse. While there are several species of mice that are endangered or extinct I wanted to share my own experiences with these tiny critters as my March was filled with the kind that make me scream in terror to the ones that conjure an inspired smile…

Tuesday 31 January 2017

She closed her eyes and let images flicker through her mind...

Behaviour is the mirror in which everyone shows their true image...
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Crayola Beach.... Where the colours were in the rocks.

It has been a month that has come and gone in the blink of an eye. However, 2017 is already beginning to redeem 2016... Last week, I was given the gift of hope and encouragement. Each day now drawing closer to an inspired goal reignited by a beautiful soul. Five weeks and counting. I was due for a little good news and true smile. I'll return to Love Wins in March with M. But for now, I think for February, I may just have another story to continue...

Saturday 31 December 2016

No Love Lost

I end the year with the letter L for Lamprey; a being that seems to be a fitting parallel to embody my past year. I was drawn to exploring this creature as a metaphor but the more I read about them I truly became enthralled with this captivatingly disturbing jawless fish. While I did not explore their patterns of mating or courtship, theirs is a story of exploration into overcoming the challenges they create…

Thursday 1 December 2016

The long and winding road of recovery...

I’m still in recovery with my three best buddies and unable to spend long periods of time at the computer. Dictation has been the way that I have managed to keep up with the daily emails and communication. While this feature of dictating to my phone has been helpful in the day to day repartee, it’s not as easy for me to craft a story that way… 

As such, I’m in still in the process of working on the finishing updates to Resonance, our letter K; and now, this month’s Love Wins character. We’ll be ending the year with a being whose existence is antithetical to the traditional species I write about which are vulnerable or on the brink of extinction. Rather, December’s Love Wins being is more like a character from the reels of a creature feature… 

Be sure to check in on winter solstice for the update to Resonance and on New Year's Eve to meet our letter L in No Love Lost… 

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Full Circle

I've been recovering from a concussion for over a week now. It’s hard to have one’s routine and process interrupted in such a way that it affects one’s creative method. I’m used to writing through the keyboard. I’ve never been one to dictate, but since looking at a computer screen gives me a headache at this point in time I am required to adapt to a new way to record my ideas and thoughts.

I remember as a child I relied on keystrokes and keyboard shortcuts for my digital work and play. One day my father came home with a mouse. I vowed I’d never use it. Well, I broke that vow and I adapted to the mouse in concert with keystrokes. I am still wary of touch screen laptops though as a result of my digital imaging background. The thought of fingerprints obstructing a clean view of my imagery makes me cringe. Now I am faced with the new adaptation of dictation. It seems that the words have always flowed more effortlessly through my fingers than through my voice. However, I have no choice and will have to practice listening to my stories and thoughts out loud rather than through my inside voice, which leads me to my experiences from yesterday…

On my way back from my doctor's appointment I walked by the lagoon hoping to see the salmon run. Although I'll be out of full force commission for the next two weeks my doctor recommended that I extend my walks and keep to low-key activities. I had heard about the yearly journey of these determined swimmers but had never managed to catch their passage in time. It's fascinating to think about what goes through the minds of the Coho and Chum as they return to spawn. It always looked exciting in pictures and so I thought I'd make the effort and take my walk along the causeway where the upstream expedition begins. I find nature to be a calming force and so this seemed like an ideal low-key activity that included my prescribed walk. 

As I stood on the walkway with the ducks and geese, I watched the gulls along the edges of the bridge. We both seemed to be hoping to see fish fly up from the water on their fatal mission. I saw one giant Chum struggle against the current but no airborne Coho soaring up the fish ladder. But sadly, the reality is also that some take a dead end path and may not even complete their journey. While I initially walked away saddened by that thought, it wasn't long before a couple of heads bobbed up in the distance that made me smile knowing that a different cycle would be completed by those that took "wrong turns"...

And so, although I was equally disheartened by my doctor's revelation in the delay of my full recovery I'll head his prescription and speak my thoughts for now. I’ll look forward to catching up with Love Wins in December. Until then…

Friday 30 September 2016


“We write to taste life twice, in the moment, and in retrospection…” Anaïs NIN

K is for...  Resonance at Love Wins for September. 

A prelude... 

Please be sure to come back as I add more over the month of October about my beloved feathered letter K...

Wednesday 31 August 2016

Immortal Beloved

This month's Love Wins story is about a specific Jellyfish and the reality of this being's immortality...

Monday 8 August 2016

Dog Days of Summer

I have not posted in Beautiful Creatures in a little while, having concentrated on my Love Wins series. However, I thought this fitting in that it reveals my own childhood experiences with my brother and family that have shaped who I am and I was inspired by the familiarity of sounds that can trigger such powerful memories. 

In memory of Richard Boissonneault 1945-2016
(July 24th, 2016)

The air resonated with the familiar whirr of static, like the sound of a breath as it escapes the threshold of one’s lips and snakes through a blade of grass held between one’s thumbs. That constant low pierce saturated the summer air but never revealed its source other than in the memorial shell of a previous corporeality. The preserved memory of alien husks are the only signs of these cyclical transient guests that remain bonded to the bark of the maples whose branches swayed in the summer breeze to filter the sunlight where she sat on that park bench watching it dapple through the leaves. 

It’s all about the framing… She lay there listening to the constant drone of the cicadas in the wee morning hours of that still August night. She had always thought of the sound as a source of comfort and a reminder of her childhood until he’d revealed his own loathing of their uninterrupted mating whirr that seemed to have no end. They had sat around that evening talking about different insects; a strange topic but one bug led to another and the conversation continued in ebbs and flows with imitations of the maddening perpetual familiar mating call of this cyclical insect. Now, as she lay there in bed she could hear nothing but that piercing buzz that disturbed the fluidity of her intervallic thoughts of the reminiscences of the weeks gone by that brought her to this point. 

The 17 year awakening of the cicadas seemed a fitting metaphor for the summer’s loss of her uncle that had brought her family together. With the exception of a few of her relatives, it had been about that long since she’d seen the greater part of her family on her father’s side. The family that she’d grown up with as a child, and for whom she’d had fond memories of in those foundational years of her childhood. She closed her eyes thinking back to that day of remembrance that had brought them together, focussing on the small wooden box at the front of the room that was once her uncle and she fell into sugar-coated recollections of moments on the farm with her cousins. She remembered the pig that wowed her in disbelief by her sheer size, for she had only really known the idea of a pig to be like the piglets that were suckling this giant sow. Each time her brother and her were let loose with their cousins it revealed a new curiosity, from feeding the goats, the softness of touching the ethereally downy fur of the angora rabbits she remembered eagerly waiting to brush, to the mischief and contrary nature that simmered beneath her shy and sweet demeanour. 

She smirked as she recalled riding a horse for the first time with her cousin’s at the neighbouring farmstead. As she got on this huge splendid animal she could barely contain the smouldering anticipation behind her soft manner to feel that moment of connection as she and this horse would begin to race through the open field. She was warned not to touch the backside of the horse behind the saddle and that cautionary advice inevitably sparked her contrary nature. As they began to trot her crooked smile revealed her intentions and her hand slowly reach behind the saddle to gently tap the horse on its right haunch sending the animal into a wild gallop as the two shot forward in a breathless moment that she can still feel over thirty years later. It is like those last moments of giggles of freedom before leaving when they’d find themselves up in the rafters of the barn flinging their bodies into the void of that weightless moment before landing in the hay beneath. 

These irregular visits to her uncle’s farm were always filled with moments of wonder, mischief, connection and childhood whimsy. They are moments that will always remain with her, they are memories that she still cherishes all these years later. She can recall the tenor of her uncle's voice and those family gatherings. In loss she has been given those memories once again that were not forgotten but simply squirrelled away for days like these to revisit when she needed a smile.  

Friday 22 July 2016

The more loving one...

I'm a little late this month in publishing the story for my series exploring courtship, mating and bonding among species. Nonetheless, I made it in time for July with the latest from Love Wins... In June I explored H for Humans. This month my story came to me thanks to someone who recently introduced me to the work of Auden. The More Loving One, a poem by from his book Hommage to Clio (1960) iwas the inspiration for my narrative on the letter I.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

H is for Humans

While H was for a brief hiatus Love Wins is back with a mirror for the letter H.

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