Wednesday 24 July 2019


At the beginning of the week, I reviewed Honeyman’s novel and a quote from the book resonated with me. 

There are days when I feel so lightly connected to the earth that the threads that tether me to the planet are gossamer thin, spun sugar. A strong gust of wind could dislodge me completely, and I’d lift off and blow away, like one of those seeds in a dandelion clock.” (Honeyman, 2017). 

This quote embodies the last few weeks for me, and even more so in the last few days. As I make my way westward I look forward to staring out into the wide expanse of the North Pacific and being cut off from technology. This time to write and explore has been like a strong wind that has dislodged my spun sugar connections to a previous life. The guidance that disconnection brings is like being a satellite above my life, an opportunity to examine, understand and create a new path. Sometimes we need that disconnection to allow for introspection, a moment to quiet all the competing voices that surround us so that we can hear our own.  I have a few more weeks until I embark on new adventures that my work in September will bring. 

So for today, I am grateful for that wind to continue to take me farther away...