Saturday 5 July 2014

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” ~Dr. Seuss

There are times in life when we come across the gift of being in the presence of individuals that will inspire one to either take on a challenge, follow our dreams or reignite a previous passion. We usually don’t have the forethought that we will have these uniquely distinct encounters and often we may not even recognise the beauty and deeply rich experience that they offer us in the moment or even shortly thereafter. However, if we take the time to truly embrace the gift that they are in the moment, we can glean from these brief encounters a deep re-enlivening of our psyche. And whilst these moments are often coupled with the painful rupture of their end it is all too common to get caught up in our sadness of their loss rather than the gratitude of their occurrence.

I have been graced with several of these moments, and at different times in life, have like many, been whisked away by the tears of their parting. However, I have always tried to remain bonded to the initial inspiration that they stirred within me and acknowledge the value of the experience they have given me. I am very fortunate to have had such powerful experiences that were an unexpected gift; a wonderful wealth of inspiration that have reignited my own creative passions in life. As I delve back into my stories over the summer holiday I remember the initial catalyst that inspired me to write Beautiful Creatures. Today, as I read through the first draft of my novel, I am equally reminded of all the hardships and comforts that have guided me along my own creative journeys. Each character molded from the knowledge of my own travels through the journeys of life make me eager to re-embark on my quest! I am ever so grateful to have the luxury to embrace this wonderful adventure. Aware of how fortunate I am to have come across those rare individuals that truly support, guide or inspire by the simply beautiful souls that they are themselves, I thank you all. Whether near or far, you live on in my heart and soul and I am eternally grateful for the honour of being inspired by you…

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